Monday, 18 July 2011

Monday's Trick Challenge: Offering Behaviors

I'm currently reading this very excellent book called "When Pigs Fly! Training Success With Impossible Dogs" by Jane Killion. I highly recommend it, especially if you have a dog that is difficult to train (pretty much any terrier or guardian breed!).

This book is not only full of really great tips, but it's extremely easy and fun to read too! It gets me excited about trying some lessons with my dog!

The first lesson in Pigs Fly! is to clicker train your dog. You can find more information about how to Clicker Train here: Clicker Training and the Pet Owner by Shara Slorstad Jane Killion recommends "Loading the Clicker" for about 10 - 20 minute sessions a day for 3 days and your dog should have a full understanding of what the clicker means!

Next you teach your dog his name... this seems like a no-brainer that all dogs learn as puppies, but does your dog associate his name with something good an therefore pay instant attention to you when you say his name? If he does, you're lucky, because mine doesn't!

It's important to NEVER say your dogs name (or a command such as "Come") when you intend to punish your dog! You want these things to be associated with good so that when you say your dogs name and a command he is ready and willing to listen to you!

Teach your dog to recognize his name as something good in much the same way you taught him to load the clicker. Say his name, click and reward. Again, 20 minute sessions for 3 days should do the trick.

Now to the main part of this lesson... I have photocopied it directly out of the book because I don't think there's anyway I can paraphrase this great exercise, I am bound to leave something out! Plus it's so well written with great pictures, you just wouldn't get the same out of it! So here it is, directly from Jane Killion's "When Pigs Fly" (keep in mind, I tend to make notes in my books...)

If you would like to continue the lessons provided in this book, you can find it online at (.ca) or at DogWise Publishing

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