Most people don't know there are bylaws and regulations regarding their dogs. It's something most of us rarely put much thought into. Fort St. James is known for it's dogs. Some days it seems everywhere you look there's a dog wandering the streets alone, in a pack, on leash, off leash, scrounging, fighting, breeding, playing or sleeping. For some dogs their owners are already following the regulations of animals in Fort St. James without even realizing it. For others the whole town seems to be their playground.
Who is supposed to be enforcing these regulations? Where do they apply? When were they put into effect?
These are all questions that came to my mind when I began reading the Animal Regulation Bylaw No. 833, 2006, which can be downloaded and printed at the Fort St. James District Bylaws & Enforcement FilePro. This site took me a bit of digging to find, but thanks to the world wide web, you can find just about anything these days!
Who enforces these regulations?
According to the regulations bylaw document "a contractor appointed by the Municipality to operate an animal shelter and provide animal control services to the municipality; or an employee of said contractor.
So who exactly is that?
Monica Grill of Nahounli Kennel & Uplands is the person to contact about dogs at large in town of Fort St. James (anywhere within the municipality that is not part of the reservation).
Angela McLaren of the Fort St. James Humane Society is the person to contact about animals at large, animal abuse cases, and animal aggression (towards animals or people) cases within the reservation.
When these resources fail, the local RCMP are the ones to contact about an issue with an animal owner who is failing to comply with these regulations.
Where do these regulations apply?
According to the District's website;
The southern boundary is Kwah Road. The western boundary is at the end of the golf course on Stones Bay Road. The industrial areas north and east of town (Apollo and Pope & Talbot) are within municipal boundaries; however there is an area along Highway 27 north which is out of town (Robin Road, Sandhu Road, etc.).
When were these regulations put into effect?
The ANIMAL REGULATIONS BYLAW NO. 833 was last revised in 2006 and still applies today in 2011.
What are the regulations?
For a complete list of regulations, visit the link listed above. Here I am going to write out just a few on dogs which I find is grossly unenforced.
4.2.2 Owner Obligations - Licensing
Every owner of a dog shall hold a valid and subsisting licence for each dog owned, and shall procure the licence by making application to the Administrator and supplying the information specified in Schedule "B" and the licence fees specified in Schedule "C".
4.2.3 Owner Obligations - Leashing
Every owner of a dog must keep such dog that is on any street or in a public place on a leash at all times, except in areas posted as designated dog off-leash areas, and when such dog is unleashed, the owner must at all times:
(a) carry a leash; and
(b) keep the dog in view; and
(c) maintain effective control of the dog so that the dog immediately returns when signalled; and
(d) immediately leash such dog when the dog exhibits aggressive behaviour.
4.2.5 Owner Obligations - Confinement
(a) Every owner of a dog must ensure that such dog, while on the premises owned or controlled by the owner, is securely confined to the premises.
(b) Every owner of a dangerous dog must ensure that such dog is not allowed on any street or in any public place, or any other place that is not owned or controlled by that person, unless such dog is:
(i) on a leash; and
(ii) muzzled; and
(iii) under the care and control of an owner.
(c) Every owner of a dangerous dog must keep such a dog securely confined at all times, either indoors, or in an enclosure, while the dog is on the premises owned or controlled by such person.
3.1 General Prohibition - All Animals
3.1.1 A person must not cause any animal to be confined in an enclosed space, including a vehicle, without adequate ventilation.
3.1.2 A person must not permit any animal to create a nuisance or disturb or interfere with the quiet, peace or enjoyment of another person's property.
3.1.3 A person must not permit any parcel where animals are kept to be maintained in an unsanitary condition, or allow feces to accumulate and cause, in the opinion of the Bylaw Enforcement Officer, objectionable odour.
3.1.4 A person must not permit any animal other than a cat to be running at large.
3.2 Basic Animal Care Requirements
A person must not keep an animal unless such animal is provided with:
(a) clean potable drinking water at all times and suitable food of sufficient quantity and quality to allow for normal growth and the maintenance of normal body weight;
(b) food an water receptacles which are kept clean;
(c) periodic exercise sufficient to maintain good health
(d) necessary veterinary medical care when such animal exhibits signs of pain or suffering.
These shouldn't be regulations that are hard to follow. They are basic common sense; look after your animal! Take responsibility for your animal! Provide your animal with a stimulating environment, with fresh food and water, with shelter, and keep your animal safe from others as well as others safe from your animal!
I will never understand why these are hard thing to practice in every day life. They shouldn't be difficult, and they should be enforced by the appropriate authorities if they are not being practice!
If you have questions, comments or concerns about these regulations you should contact the local authorities listed in the beginning of this article.
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